

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Last weekend was crazy fun, but crazy busy. We did a lot of random things, so I decided to lump some of it together and share with you!

My crafting. I did make quite a few things, but I'm only going to show you one right now, because the rest are saved for future blog posts. Oooh the anticipation!  Remember the Doctor Who shirt I made for Dawson? Corbin insisted he get one as well. He recently watched the episode "Dinosaurs on a spaceship". Corbin is obsessed with Dinosaurs. He loooved it. So he wanted the Doctor on a triceraptops. If you've seen the episode, you may remember that the Doctor hops on the triceratops and says "Go, Tricey! Run like the Wind! How do you start a Triceratops?" So I incorporated some of the words onto his shirt.

He looks so cute in it! I love my little Doctor Who fans. 

We also drove out to Franconia Sculpture Park in Franconia, Minnesota. It's basically a big field with tons of sculptures hidden throughout. Not only will you find sculptures all over the place, you will also find artists working on new sculptures, you can watch them work, ask them questions and in general, be amazed. The best part? It's 100% free! They do have a donation box though, so throw a few dollars in if you go visit. 

We exploded a bottle of Diet Coke with Mentos!! The boys have wanted to do this for so long. Corbin was really excited to do it.

Finally, I started painting this room and I kept painting this room and I'm still painting this room. Why didn't anyone tell me that red completely sucks to paint??

 Yes, I realize it's Tuesday so I'm a bit late on the weekend recap thing, but I was creatively broken yesterday. I think all the paint fumes ruined me. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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