

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Monsters have a "Holiday" tree

 Last Christmas I had the brilliant idea of buying the older Monsters a Christmas Tree for their bedroom. I had visions of bright lights and gorgeous ornaments glistening. Those visions turned into an adorable tree, fit for two adorable boys. Oh, how they loved that tree. They picked out their own ornaments, decorated it and made it their own. They were quite proud of it, and I was quite proud of them! 

  Fast Forward to a few weeks into January. I told Dawson that it was time for his tree to come down. I must say, that was not a bright idea. He cried and cried. How dare I take his tree away? We talked back and forth, as I tried to explain to him that it was ok, Christmas was over. He wasn't having it, not at all. So I decided to compromise with him. We would keep the tree up, and decorate it for all the holidays. After all, the tree was in their bedroom, so it's not like it was bothering anyone. Plus, it kept clutter from collecting up on the top of the dresser! Bonus! 

 Obviously the first Holiday after Christmas is Valentines Day. I will admit, I slacked on that tree. I thought about it a lot, just never got the motivation up to actually make the decorations. I finally got around to making things about 2 weeks before Valentines Day. Oops. Together the boys and I made some paper heart ornaments and I made a bunch of felt and pipe cleaner hearts to hang on the tree. 

David made us an awesome tree topper out of a wire coat hanger. Putting his own creative twist on it, he added a nice little hook on the end, so we could just hang new ornaments on it every holiday, instead of making a new topper. That man is a genius I tell you!

 I opted out of doing the little holidays (St. Patrick's Day, Presidents Day, etc). So the next next major Holiday is Easter. I finished that tree about a week ago. This has been my favorite tree to make so far. I can't wait to share it with you! That will be my next post. Be sure to check back in, because I will be posting a couple of tutorials for some of the ornaments I made!

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